World Osteoporosis Day JMO on October 20 is an essential day to raise awareness among the general public about osteoporosis and thus better identify patients requiring care and improve their care pathway.
We have realized 17th october 2024 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. a day of awareness raising for the general public in the hall of the Hautepierre Hospital with our nurse coordinators of the HUS Parcours “Os” This is of course under the aegis of GRIO and IOF. A total of 235 people attended.
We warmly thank Ms. SIEGWALD from the HUS communications department and her sensational team for producing a film of approximately 3 minutes for this event with a patient journey, a film broadcast within the hospital and on the Hospitals' social networks.
View the video:
Event info:

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Organized by:
University Hospital Strasbourg Rheumatology Unit