Healthy Bones Australia launched a new Burden of Disease Report ‘Osteoporosis and fractures in Australia. A burden of disease analysis 2023-2033’
in Parliament House in Canberra in the lead up to World Osteoporosis Day 2024.
The event hosted by the Parliamentary Friends of Pain Management Co-chairs Senator Helen Polley and Senator Wendy Ashew was attended by The Hon Kate Thwaites MP, Assistant Minister for Ageing, Women and Social Security, Olympic and World Champion Sally Pearson OAM, Patient Advocate Carole David, HBA representatives – Chair Professor Peter Ebeling AO, Medical Director Professor Peter Wong and CEO Greg Lyubomirsky, along with other special guests, report co-authors from Deakin University Melbourne and a special recorded message of support from healthy ageing advocate Ita Buttrose OBE.
The report details the prevalence and cost impact of poor bone health and related fractures in Australia, 2023 – 2033.
Healthy Bones Australia is calling for enhanced Government commitment to bone health.
Key Findings:
• 6.2 million (67 per cent) Australians aged 50+ years are living with poor bone health, and projected to increase to 7.7 million living with osteopenia or osteoporosis by 2033;
• In 2023, a fracture was sustained every 2.7 minutes resulting in more than 193,000 fractures, by 2033 this will increase to a fracture every 30 seconds
• The total cost of osteopenia and osteoporosis equated to AUD $4.8 billion (2023) and is estimated to climb to AUD $8.3 billion per year (by 2033).
• Total costs over 10-years reaching AUD $67.9 billion. Fractures representing the highest component cost of the disease.
• Hip fracture remains the most costly type of fracture, however fractures at other sites (wrist, spine, leg/arm) are more common
Professor Peter Ebeling, AO, said new burden of disease report has concerning future projections and reinforces the urgent need for action from policy makers, healthcare professionals, and the community alike.
Greg Lyubomirsky said “We understand directly from consumers, that no one wants to fracture. Fractures are costly, reduce quality of life, and in severe cases can be fatal”
Professor Peter Wong stressed HBA is “urging GPs to identify at-risk patients, and to intervene as early as possible, to manage osteoporosis and prevent fractures,”
HBA also worked with the Royal Australian of General Practitioners on the development and release of new clinical guidelines for the management of osteoporosis by Australian doctors, which were released earlier in 2024.
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Event info:

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Canberra , Australia
Parliament House Canberra